Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When Republicans sound like Socialists: It's all about jobs

A Republican from a small town affected by a factory closure has lost a rosy future: a decent paying job, medical benefits and pension. Without job opportunities, anger is focused at the big city Democrats. What is the President doing about jobs?

What would you want the government to do for you? Force a company to continue production in your small town, provide the company incentives and tax breaks, hire more people and increase wages. I don't have a problem with that - but that is called Socialism. 

I think this points to an opportunity for Democrats. There are many people who don't really know what they are - they're just mad about the situation they're in. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Liz Cheney and Sarah Palin: Republican Future?

I think George Wil was about to barf sitting next to Liz Cheney on This Week. He appeared to disagree with her on most points, and was visibly jumping out of his chair away from her at the end of the show.

Sarah Palin choice to work on Fox as a commentator is not surprising. Liz Cheney has given her glowing reviews and the two of them working together is likely.

Liz and Sarah are not Conservative.

Will they be successful? Americans like to be infuriated. Conservatives of the past are sober thinkers - stuffy, stuck in their ways, unwilling to change and boring. Conservatives are Darwinist, believing in the survival of the fittest. Neo-cons believe in right-moving change regardless of the impact on others. They like to shake things up, reckless and damaging.

And that's where we have our opportunities - in the dumb things that they will invariable say and do. They can have their future. Republican "polarization" is the best thing that happened to the Democrats.