Monday, March 22, 2010

Conservative for a reason

By definition, Conservatives do not like change. Why is everyone so surprised that they react so violently to new policy? The only exception is when they want new policies that reinforce Conservative Values. It is hard to imagine that slavery was considered a Conservative Value, along with Christianity.

This is the point Liberals often forget. Conservatives don't want change.

If there is 40% of the electorate on either side that will never change their views, then the message to the 20% who will change their opinion is - do you want to be like them? That's the Republican mantra right now - to the 20%, do you really want larger government and higher taxes?

It's up to the Liberals to associate Conservatives with the values they represent. They need to do so not only to influence the 20% swing vote, but to energize their base so they will turn out and vote.

There is going to be a polar shift this year - and will be interesting to see how the Liberals respond to the call to action. Keep the change.

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