Saturday, October 10, 2009

Medicare and PAC-sponsored PR

This post was going to be focused on improving Hillary's image, but as I was watching a PAC commercial about John Cornyn's "rejection of increasing medicare prescription costs", I thought this is exactly the type of pro-image commercial Democrats should run more often.

I will be the first to admit that we collect too much money for political campaigns. We overspend and saturate the market with commercials during campaigns - it is wasteful. We should be more methodical in our spending, pushing the agendas and improving images of those already elected.

In this case, of course, the PAC is asking you to call Cornyn's office to thank him for holding the line on Medicare prescription costs. Although the goal is to prevent Congress from cutting expenditures on Medicare. It comes across as a pro-Cornyn commercial for those who don't use Medicare.

As long as healthcare costs increase, America will have to pay more for Medicare. As long as doctors prescribe more medications, prescription costs (total costs of the Medicare program) will increase. I would be in favor of increasing the funding for, and increasing the coverage of Medicare to cover any American who is not covered by another insurance program. Medicare is, after all, government-funded healthcare.

Imagine a commercial that started with a clip of Hillary Clinton supporting Medicare, followed by a clip of John Cornyn supporting Medicare. "Thank you Hillary Clinton and John Cornyn for protecting America's healthcare." Wow, that would freak Republicans out.

Any time we have agreement with Republicans on a position, we should spin it as a favorable message towards the liberal agenda because in reality, most Americans want these benefits. A good example, is people lined up in Lubbock to get their flu shots. Most of them, I bet, were Republican voters. An example of government healthcare programs that work for all Americans.

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