Sunday, November 1, 2009

Liberal Spending

Those tax and spend Liberals want to raise your taxes. Yes and for good reason.

Our infrastructure and school funding is largely based on the local tax base. When the tax base decreases due to job losses, foreclosures, and business cut-backs, then local, state or Federal funding has to subsidize the budget.

My suggestion for a simple print print and media commercial would put Uncle Sam against an aging bridge or roadway holding a sign that says, "Need work." The tagline is "Put America back to work."

Our Federal-funded projects need larger identification when they are complete. This road improved as a result of Federal Spending (in bold).

I will be the first to agree that there is waste in any government spending. However, I don't see a time when everyone from a given neighborhood writes a check to the elementary school - that will never happen. And in areas where neighborhoods have no money, then the city or county has to step in. And when there is no money in the county, the state. And when the state has issues... Yes they should tighten their belt first, but they need Federal funding.

It would be great if Enron had spent some of their ill-gotten money on basic services for Houston public schools. But they didn't. Unfortunately government assessment of taxes is necessary to ensure that money is collected and spent where needed.

From a look at the jobs report, we need to continue to spend more money. We have a lot more work to do.

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