Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Carrie Prejean "Still Standing"

As I watched the Carrie Prejean interview on NBC Today Show, I was reminded of the great Conservative tactic of repeatedly asking questions to make a point - even if the premise of the question is distorted, exaggerated or false.

Don't you think that Conservative women are wrongly criticized in the press?

It is effective because the liberal intellectual has the tendency to want to stop and refute each question or point made. As the bewildered liberal attempts to refute the first question, the next question comes - rapid fire...

Take the question above. If you answer 'no', then Conservative responds, "So you think it is OK to unfairly portray Conservative women as [fill in your outlandish thought here]."

Luckily the technique works both ways and fairly simple to turn around.

1) Answer with an equally outlandish question.

Prejean: Don't you think that Conservative women are wrongly criticized in the press?
Liberal: Don't you think it was wrong for Conservatives to push Palin out of office?

2) Make a Universally accepted statement.

Prejean: Don't you think that Conservative women are wrongly criticized in the press?
Liberal: Fox News would never unfairly criticize Palin.

Or, you could respond like a politician:

Prejean: Don't you think that Conservative women are wrongly criticized in the press?
Politician: Women are just as capable as men in forming their own opinions.

As for Carrie Prejean, think of all the Conservative moms that made her the role model for their daughters, only to find out that she made a sex tape. Oops. But like all Conservatives, they'll just toss her aside and get a new spokesmodel.

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